

Private Funding

We are happy to accept instructions in a private capacity in any case.


In terms of our compliance work, we will tailor a package to the organisation’s individual requirements and present it on a fixed fee or retainer basis depending on what best suits the organisation.

We are happy to work with other companies who may provide the main compliance advice but require our expert assistance in relation to the Modern Slavery Act 2015, the Bribery Act 2010 or the anti- money laundering regulations.


We are happy to agree fees on either an hourly basis or fixed fee basis for stages of the case if we are requested to assist with an intervention by any organisation in a case before the Court of Appeal or Supreme Court.

Sports Law

If we are asked to represent an individual (either directly or through their club) at a disciplinary hearing, we will endeavour to agree a fixed fee for the work involved. We are happy to agree an annual retainer with a club to represent players during the season should this be considered a better option for the club.

In terms of transfer work, our fee will be based on a reasonable percentage of the transfer fee or if that is not appropriate for any reason on a fixed fee commensurate with the value of the contract.

Prison law

Some prison law advice is now out of scope of legal aid funding. This relates mainly to categorisation and treatment issues. We are happy to agree a fixed fee for this work rather than use hourly rates. The fee will have to be paid I advance of the work being undertaken.


Where an individual is not eligible for legal aid or where the firm is unable to take the case on under the legal aid scheme, we will provide an estimate of costs to advise privately. We would normally be able to provide a fixed estimate to deal with the case in stages. Initially we would provide an estimate to obtain and consider the papers including any relevant transcript and to provide a preliminary view as to whether the case could progress any further. If the advice is negative at this stage, further costs including the instruction of an advocate are saved.

If the case may lead to an appeal such that an advocate’s advice is required and grounds of appeal may be drafted, we will provide an estimate of the fees for the advocate and our work to complete the next stage of work, namely submitting grounds of appeal. If the case involves an application to the Criminal Cases Review Commission, we would most likely draft the application without the assistance of an advocate except in exceptional circumstances.

The cost of the case will vary depending on its complexity, the volume of papers, the issues identified by the client, whether more than one visit is required to the client and the cost of transcripts. Any fixed fee would not include transcript costs or other disbursements

Criminal cases and inquests

Legal aid is not available for every case. Where either legal aid is unavailable for any reason, we will endeavour to agree fees with the client in advance based either on an hourly rate or on fixed fees over stages of the case. All fixed fees are on a “fair use” basis and should any issue arise as to excessive contact or unreasonable demands, we will raise it with the client at the earliest opportunity.

Fee rates will vary depending on the level of experience of the person dealing with the case. There may be situations where more than one person is working on the case and the fees charged for each piece of work will reflect the seniority and expertise of the individual carrying out that work.

Payment on account

We will request payment on account of fees which means that we will request a payment before the work is started. We aim to bill regularly so that each party knows where they are in terms of what work has been done and what level the costs have reached.

We are happy to take payments regularly and in smaller amounts to help the client budget for the costs involved. However, all fees have to be paid in full prior to any final hearing date or trial. We will require payment of disbursements (items which we have to pay out for like expert’s fees or counsel) in full in advance of incurring the disbursement expense.

Payment methods

Payment can be made by debit card or credit card over the telephone. There is an additional fee of 2.5% for the use of credit card payments. We can also accept cheques (which must clear before work can be started) or on line payments direct into our client bank account.

In every case we are obliged to complete anti-money laundering checks and will require photographic identification (usually a driving licence or passport) and a recent utility bill or other bill showing the address of the person paying the bill. This information will be copied for the file. This is a requirement for our Lexcel quality mark and under the Solicitors Accounts Rules.

We are happy to provide a written estimate of costs in any case on request.